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Same-Day Dentistry: Bringing the “WOW” Factor to Your Practice

Case 1. Figure 1. Preoperative view of the patient showing recurrent decay around the existing amalgam restoration.They need and want dentistry that fits their lifestyle. As a result, dentists must be competent in providing state-of-the-art care in convenient ways to satisfy both elective and necessary treatment needs. That means they must begin to embrace same-day, in-office dentistry that enables them to take control of all-ceramic restorative processes in order to provide restorative dentistry in a whole new way That new way is using an innovative in-office CAD/CAM technology called the E4D Dentist System that facilitates the same-day, same-visit delivery of crowns, veneers, inlays, and onlays milled from esthetic and

Brushing Up On Your Retirement Plan

Dental professionals who have 401(k) retirement plans for their practices should consider a similar approach. For the financial health of your plan, the importance of an in-depth annual retirement plan review cannot be overemphasized. Just as a dental appointment involves much more than checking for cavities, an in-depth retirement plan review involves obtaining information to help you answer questions about several plan components. These may have an impact on helping you optimize your 401(k) plan. Although most employers are interested in knowing how their 401(k) plans are performing, many plan reviews may be just a quick meeting to talk about investment performance during which plan costs and employee participation

The “Greening” of Mint Dental Works – Dr. Jason McMillan–Portland, OR

As the green revolution gradually gains momentum globally, impacting everything from food production to fuel alternatives, the time has come to cultivate a new attitude regarding first making use of recyclable and green options before choosing products that do not support the idea of environmental protection and the reuse of existing materials. Mint Dental Works in Portland, Oregon has drawn the spotlight with a style and mission that fully endorses the gogreen movement. Dr. Jason McMillan wanted a practice that would be convenient for his existing patients, could handle future growth, and would support his vision for a sustainably constructed office. “My wife, Rebecca, and I interviewed architects and

A Winning Design and Technology That Leads the Way - Dr. Juliann R. Demand-Balski

There are amazing products and technologies available to today’s dental office, making the total dental healthcare experience quite different than ever before. Patients are the glad recipients of many new treatment options, including cosmetic dentistry, which can have a terrific impact on a patient’s self-esteem and overall confidence. Dentists now have enhanced treatment capabilities, new ways to generate revenues, and a greater control over efficiency and increased productivity. All together, it is clear that everyone wins during this exceptional period of advances in dental care. Brian Nolan, Equipment Sales Specialist; Wade Hinds, Field Sales Consultant; and Rob Brenneman, Equipment Service Technician collaborated during the creation of Dr. Juliann Demand-Balski’s new

Digital Imaging—Life-Changing Technology

Digital imaging is part of efficient communication, and it adds to the “wow factor.” Patients may see their teeth in the mirror every day, but we must supply images that will let them learn about improving their dentition. For this, digital radiography has become the standard of care in diagnostics. This technology provides superior-quality images in a couple of seconds. It is an excellent diagnostic aid with which to compose a treatment plan. On the screen, we can enhance or zoom in, invert or emboss an image to communicate the possibilities in an unobtrusive way. Sometimes a patient may have a problem such as a fractured restoration that cannot

Here and Now and Beneficial For All

IN THE PAST, DENTAL DAYDREAMERS PONDERED THE ABILITY TO CAPTURE A 3-D IMAGE OF THE MOUTH AND TO VIEW IT FROM ALL ANGLES. The ability to rotate that 3-D mode and zoom in on details was an even greater aspiration. Then, to coordinate all of the information for integration with other applications- such as guided implant placement software-promised to add even more value to the technology. All of these benefits are not just relegated to the dental visionaries of the future. 3-D imaging is available, here and now, and is actively improving practices across all dental disciplines. IMPLANTOLOGY Jack T. Krauser, DMD: 3-D radiography has made an astonishing and

Dr. David Wilhelm - Newport Beach, CA

The utmost care used in replicating classical European design elements can be seen the moment you enter the facility. Decorative wainscoting, stylized crown moldings, and ambient lighting set the backdrop for the office's sophisticated yet intimate mood. Mahogany-stained solid walnut floors create depth and warmth, continuing into the office's seven operatories. Richly colored area carpets run the length of hallways and anchor the seating area in the reception lounge where custom, silk-upholstered chairs cluster around a beautifully carved dark-wood fireplace. Overhead, a sparkling crystal chandelier suspends from a recessed tray ceiling, creating additional drama. Above the fireplace's mantel, a 52-inch, LCD highdefinition television is concealed behind a VisionArt® system that

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Dr. Alan Krause - Monteville, NJ

"In 1991, we started using a DOS-based practice management system," said Dr. Krause. "But as I saw the inevitable need for Windows I began looking around for a better solution-one that would make the most of the advantages of the Windows environment. The philosophy in our office is to run a highly efficient staff with as little redundancy as possible. Working in DOS and with that particular system was in opposition to that philosophy." Dr, Krause had had enough, and by 1995 was actively looking for a Windows-based practice management system that would offer the flexibility and efficiency his practice demanded. He felt that the ability to network

Cone Beam CT: A Breakthrough Imaging Technology for Dentistry

ABSTRACT: Accurate images of the craniofacial region are critical for the development of a diagnosis and treatment plan. The Cone Beam CT (CBCT) Scanner represents a significant advance in imaging capabilities for all disciplines of dentistry. This new-generation scanner uses computed tomography technology to provide a complete three-dimensional view of the maxilla, mandible, teeth, and supporting structures with relatively high resolution and low radiation exposure to the patient. This article discusses some of the technical aspects of CBCT and its possible dental usages. INTRODUCTION: Images of the craniofacial region comprise an important component of the dental patient record. Ideally, the imaging process begins with the development of an imaging goal. The imaging

A Retirement Plan for Your Practice

1. Based on 2006 Sullivan-Schein Survey of dental clients. 2. National Federation of Independent Business-National Small Business Poll-Retirement, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2005. 3. Ibid. Available only to U.S. dental practitioners. For plan sponsor use only. There are many kinds of workplace retirement plans. When determining which plan may be appropriate for your practice, you should consider all relevant factors including, but not limited to, contribution types and limits, ease of administration, investment options, initial costs and ongoing costs. Fidelity does not provide legal or tax advice and the information provided above is general in nature and should not be considered legal or tax advice. Consult with an attorney

Exploring Cone Beam 3–D Dental Imaging

2-D imaging (standard film and digital X-rays) has long been the standard for dental scans-despite the somewhat costly price and high radiation dosages. Now 3-D imaging technology is set to address these issues. Cone Beam technology obtains crucial information at much higher resolution using lower radiation, and is cost-effective for practitioners and patients. Indeed, such important benefits will certainly give traditional 2-D X-ray imaging a run for its money. THE INTRODUCTION OF CONE BEAM TECHNOLOGY Here's where 3-D imaging is invaluable. It lets dentists see patients' anatomies in all dimensions by creating a 360° analysis. These images give dental professionals a complete makeup of the human jaw, face, and

Success is a Journey–Not a Destination

INTRODUCTION 1. Dr. Alan Wilson, a recent dental school graduate who just purchased his general practice 2. Dr. Carol Sullivan, a general dentist in the middle of her career 3. Dr. Leonard Richardson, an oral surgeon nearing retirement Each of these practitioners faces different challenges, but these doctors are driven by one shared goal-achieving ultimate practice success. Dental schools do an outstanding job of providing dentists and specialists the clinical training necessary to deliver exceptional patient care. However, few dental schools offer the in-depth business training required to successfully own and operate a dental practice. The business side of dentistry is where doctors face

Turning Your Dream Office Into A Successful Reality

However, based on the thousands of office design and construction projects that I have observed, there are some important guiding principles that, if heeded, can save tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in rank errors that many of our colleagues have committed. Pull up a chair. Let's talk-about you. THE RIGHT PLACE FOR YOUR PRACTICE Where should you locate your practice? Should you lease space or buy a condominium? Or buy land and build a freestanding office? But what about remodeling your current office? Would that not be less expensive? Will you lose patients by moving your office? These are all questions that you could be asking-or should be!

The Wellness Center–Alameda, CA

Dr. Dean's new office is located in Alameda, California in a quaint section known for its numerous Colonial- and Victorian-style homes. The 9,000-sq. foot house, which was built in 1902, is classified as an historical landmark that is commonly referred to as The Red Cross House because of its use as a disaster and wartime relief facility during World War II and its continued use as a community health services center until 1997. The Red Cross House beautifully exemplifies the Colonial architectural motif both inside and out. Its spaciousness and potential for fulfilling Dr. Dean's practice vision made it the perfect site for her inspired and multifunctional Wellness Center.

The Nash Institute for Dental Learning – Charlotte, NC

Dr. Nash began teaching in 1982, conducting his Over the Shoulder Programs in his office. After relocating in 1996, he incorporated a teaching area into his practice and, when he outgrew that space, he bought the building and reoriented the setup, using the first floor for the teaching facility and the second floor for the practice area. Once again, there was a need for expansion. The teaching programs had evolved and were receiving national attention-drawing more and more doctors who wanted to experience Dr. Nash's pioneering approach to Esthetic Dentistry. > "We take great pride in our beautiful, state-of-the-art facility...which is > congruent with the quality of care we

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Dr. Roger Anderson - Denver, Colorado

Dr. Anderson's practice serves more than 6,000 patients with a mission to provide exceptional patient care. With three doctors and $1.3 million in annual revenue, his recipe for success-real people treating real patients-is proving true. A major factor in Dr. Anderson's unique brand of patient care is the use of technology to increase a patient's level of comfort, education, and acceptance of recommended procedures. "Until 1990 our practice was using a Xenix-based management software hooked up to dumb terminals," said Dr. Anderson. "I'm sure at one time it was the cutting edge of technology but as the software was rarely updated by the vendor, and the rest of the

Digital Imaging – It’s a Win-Win for Everyone!

When patients are educated about the details of their dental health, they are more likely to understand the value of treatment. In my quest to improve my patients' dental experience, about two years ago, I began to explore the various options for digital radiography. At first, I was apprehensive about going digital and how this would affect workflow. After a short training period with my staff, I was happily convinced-digital-imaging advancements improve patient care. One very apparent positive aspect of digital imaging is connected with my imaging software-it both makes my job easier and involves the patients in their own treatment. This easy-to-use imaging software captures and mounts X-rays, offers

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Dr. Paul Mitsch - Augusta Family Dental

"Early on, we at Augusta Family Dentistry, came up with a marketing plan that we felt would help us achieve our growth, profitability, and service goals," said Dr. Mitsch. "If we followed it closely, I felt that our marketing strategy and five-year plan would totally transform our practice." Dr. Mitsch's story begins in 1986 when he owned a group of practices that acted as a clearinghouse for eight management people. Technology has always been a key to his growth and his practices have always been early adopters of practice-enabling technology. "We've had computers in my practices since way back with Moore Dental Systems," said Dr. Mitsch. "At the time

Retirement Benefits Give Dental Practices Edge

It's possible, however, to build a sturdy ship to help safely and smoothly navigate today's rough seas-workplace retirement plans that help attract and keep employees and help to provide for a dentist's own financial future are one way to begin that construction. As with professional sailing, dentists must acknowledge current conditions, chart a course, and work with their crew to steer successfully toward the finish line. Employment of dental hygienists and dental assistants is expected to grow much faster than average through 2014, ranking them among the fastest growing occupations, in response to increasing demand for dental care and the greater utilization of hygienists to perform services previously performed by

Digital Radiography : Don’t Miss Out!

I'm always perplexed by some of hygiene friends who say they don't have digital radiography yet because either the office isn't ready or that their doctors feel it's too expensive. As a hygienist who has seen the light that digital brings to a practice, I see it as my personal mission to help convert these offices. They just don't know what they're missing! When I ask a hygienist what "not ready" means to her and to her office, I hear things like, "We're not looking forward to the 'big' change."..."We don't have computers in the operatories yet."...and "We don't think our patients will take to it." They