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Don't Let "Perfect" Get in the Way of "Better"
Sidekick: Dr. Dalin, you've been an advocate for digital radiography since 1999. What would you tell our readers who are considering making the switch from film to digital? Dalin: Do it now. Don't wait any longer! So often we as dentists don't want to make a wrong decision and we end up doing nothing. This is a technology that we do not need to fear. Sidekick: You say that with a lot of conviction. Is this the right solution for everyone? Dalin: I believe it is. Don’t you think all practices and all patients deserve to enjoy the benefits digital radiography offers? Just think about reduced radiation, increased patient comfort,

By Wolfgang Friedel It is still early in the process of estimating the extent of damage and the time needed for recovery and rebuilding, but initial estimates put the economic impact on affected dental practices from $800 million to $1 billion. Current evaluations would indicate that a significant portion of this damage might be declined by the insurance companies. Almost three months after the disasters, many affected dentists are still struggling with their insurance companies, arguing the impact of flood versus windstorm and determining the degree of losses and insurance claims. They also have received very little financial relief from the Small Business Administration and other agencies. Current estimates are

CORNERSTONE DENTAL GROUP...Built With The Future In Mind
There are times when a series of negatives add up to a very big positive. This was especially true for Dr. Ron Solomon's new practice, Cornerstone Dental Group, located in Cincinnati, Ohio. An expiring lease; high maintenance out-of-date equipment; inability to use space efficiently; a declining business district, and a general lackluster office environment were a few of the factors that led Dr. Solomon to focus on a new start for his practice, staff, and patients. Staff comments on the new office range from “Love it” to “How can you not like coming to work at one of the nicest offices in the area!” Add that to patients’ comments—“Wow…It’s

Wallcovering for Dental Offices-2007
With digital printing capabilities, creative designs, and more sophisticated color palettes, commercial wall covering has advanced and become a highly developed design tool. Today’s wall-covering companies understand that the commercial interior designer is striving for the perfect balance between practicality (durability and ease of maintenance) and creating the soothing, healing surroundings needed in healthcare service environments— for both patients and staff. Providing wonderful, new and refreshing color palettes and patterns assists the designer in creating the comfortable ambience needed to create a relaxed office that calms the patient and eases tensions. Wall covering will save you money in the long run. Painted surfaces usually have to be repainted every 3 years.

A Dream Realized for Me and My Team
We had always enjoyed vacationing in Maine; my goal was to move to a small town there, take over a small practice, go fishing, and fade into the sunset. However, once I got there, I became revitalized. I decided to take another bold step—build my dream office. I knew that I wanted this new practice to reflect my philosophy of giving the most advanced treatment that my skill and technology could produce. I am a big proponent of continuing education, so I felt I had that part well covered. Now it was time to add technology to the mix. After many months of planning and construction, of
Technology: Getting a Return on Your Investment
By John H. Jameson ”So, consider with me how important it is to take a team’s approach to high-tech dentistry as you better manage your practice by the numbers. Doing so, you’ll be more confident in measuring that return on investment! Our profession is changing more rapidly today than ever before. Advances in restorative materials and techniques, infection control, diagnostic aids, and treatment planning have created practices that are accelerating into arenas not thought of in past years. All of the wonders of this sophisticated dental technology are compromised unless an advanced dental team helps instill a desire within the patient for treatment and long-term care because of the

Seamless Integration-Getting It All Together
It makes sense to integrate these two systems since practice management software is one of the cornerstones of any dental practice, and dental teams take x-ray and camera images throughout the day. Dr. Brad Durham of Savannah, Georgia, integrated his digital imaging system with his practice-management software eight years ago. He states, “In a dental office, a wave of activities occurs around each patient’s visit. The team must be aware of various parts of the patient’s history, scheduled appointments, treatment plan, digital images, and financials. All the office procedures and patient information should be organized to ensure efficiency and inspire patient confidence.” He continues, “Managing all of this information

Welcome to the Panther Hollow Dental Lodge
Drs. Joseph Bender and John Watters have made it the “home” of their new dental practice, the Panther Hollow Dental Lodge. The architecture chosen for the new building is characteristic of the style used in the 1930s and 1940s when dude ranches and lodges became the theme for many retreats and U.S. national parks. There is a rugged romanticism in the distinctive architectural elements that identify the “lodge” style. You quickly sense its relationship to the Wild West, the powerful influence of natural surroundings, and its similarity to the vast, open spaces so typical of the American wilderness. The raw materials of the style include generous proportions overall—open-beamed

It’s Easy Being Green
By Cynthia Brattesani, DDS BETTER FOR YOUR PRACTICE, YOUR PATIENTS, AND THE EARTH With my practice located in environmentally conscious San Francisco, "going green" has become a way of life. Digital radiography is a big part of my "green-office" lifestyle-improving our dental health, our budget and, ultimately, our environment. The diagnostic attributes of digital X-ray were already apparent-it's easy to use, fast, and promotes co-diagnosis and co-discovery. In addition, switching to digital radiography helps us to become better environmental stewards. REDUCED RADIATION - Digital X-ray utilizes up to 90 percent less radiation that traditional film X-ray-that means less radiation exposure for my patients, for my team, and in our office environment. LESS HAZARDOUS

Recovering Life and Livelihood in Waveland, Mississippi
The paths of destruction wrought by storms Katrina and Rita during the 2005 hurricane season were stunning in their impact on America’s Gulf Coast. Landscapes were dramatically altered, and thousands of lives were changed forever. We saw the results “up close and personal” through real-time media coverage. Continuous streams of film footage and commentary kept us closely in touch with the plight of those directly effected by the hurricanes. Americans responded by opening their hearts and homes to the storm victims. Donations of money, products, and services poured forth as well, from individuals and organizations alike as we rallied to the call for action. Through adversity, we sometimes realize more

The Ergonomic Advantages
Gerard M. Cuomo, DDS, is a graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, and is a recognized author and lecturer on the integrated use of chair-mounted microscopes in dentistry. He maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida, and teaches hands-on dental microscopy courses for dentists and students throughout the U.S. The modern dental practice incorporates office designs that create an “at-home” atmosphere while using “high-tech” equipment to promote improved efficiency and increased productivity. The purpose of this article is to analyze the ergonomic and economic advantages of the dental microscope over the now obsolete dental loupes. In order to appreciate the benefits of this 21st-century equipment, one must understand the

Muscle Overuse Trigger Points
For decades, researchers have been classifying and redefining different types of muscular pain and dysfunction. Some areas of classification overlap, but some distinct characteristics remain. For example, fibrosis was first defined in 1904, then in 1990 officially redefined as fibromyalgia. Travell reports fibromyalgia as a “...central augmentation of nociception which causes generalized deep tissue tenderness that includes muscles.” Myofascial pain syndrome has both a general and specific meaning. Dentists and others have used the term to describe a regional muscle pain of any soft-tissue origin that is associated with muscle tenderness. The other more specific meaning is a myofascial pain syndrome caused by trigger points. A trigger point is

The Diagnostic Efficacy of Digital Imaging in Dentistry
By Robert A. Cederberg, MA, DDS, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Paul Jaquith, R.T. (R), Radiology Technician Cintillation crystals, which are essentially thin wafers of silicon, act as an electronic storage media. When exposed to radiation, bonds between silicon atoms are broken, producing electron-hole pairs with the number of these pairs directly proportional to the amount of exposure that an area has received. Using an ADC, Analog to Digital Converter, the computer is able to convert the electrical or analog signal into a digital format, thereby creating an image for display on a computer monitor that is made up of many discrete pixels (picture elements), which are visualized as

Preferred Dental-San Antonio, TX
For Dr. Andres Biaggi, his emphasis on patient comfort, a wide range of treatment options, and a business with investment potential drove the vision for his new office. “I wanted an adequate and spacious area with plenty of room for storage, a consultation area for treatment and financial planning, and a specific area for Cone Beam imaging,” begins the Doctor. “Rooms that are ergonomic and well-thought out, with a home for every item that I use...and to manage then equipment I use without a tangled mess of tubing everywhere. I want my practice to reflect the quality of dentistry that I provide.” To give his dream “legs” and

Tischler Dental-Woodstock, N.Y
The practice was founded in 1971 by Dr. Maurice “Buzzy” Tischler, a certified acupuncturist with extensive training in homeopathic medicine and former clinical professor of prosthetics at NYU College of Dentistry. Specialized patient care services include dental implants, bone grafting, and cosmetic dentistry. Also on staff, Dr. Michael Tischler, nationally recognized lecturer, author, and continuing education instructor and associate Dr. W. Fred Milton, who completes the practice’s team of experts. The new office is situated on 9 scenic acres that reflect the Catskill area’s mountainous, wooded topography. Its beautifully landscaped grounds sport gardens and 2 waterfalls that emerge from natural rock outcroppings around the facility, welcoming all with the soothing

East Point Dental Clinic
DR. ROBERT CHRIS GOLDTRAP His answer, “EVERYTHING!” “Finding the money within my existing practice to make the new office possible; finding a location; the building design and layout; interior design; equipment choices; practice-management support; financing; two doctors and two aestheticians; AND Heath Roberts!” Heath Roberts, Field Sales Consultant, had assisted Dr. Goldtrap on his first office. The Doctor spoke with Heath when considering the new office. “I...knew he could bring it all together for me—the numbers, the business plan... he even found me a piece of land. He did everything—he made it easy to say ‘yes’—and, continued to move the project forward when I was out of state. I

Avoid Urban Decay
There is artistic license at work in this place—it is truly unconventional and gives a bit of insight into the Doctor’s personality. How many dental reception areas greet the patient with gallery-like installations that include a parking meter, a manhole cover, and a traffic cone? Pay attention—and you’ll find many more avant-garde touches throughout the office, guaranteed to bring on raised eyebrows and a chuckle. Can a visit to the dentist be fun? The answer is definitely “yes” at this office! Avoid Urban Decay is Dr. Parrone’s first office. After working in an environment in which she felt professionally compromised, timing urged the change that she needed to pursue

West Coast University-Anaheim, California
DEBI GERGER, RDH, MPH The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics has indicated that dental hygiene is one of the fastest growing fields in the healthcare professions. WCU responded by expanding its degree programs to include a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. Curricula was designed to invigorate students and reinforce the understanding that WCU’s degree and certification programs would provide them with the skills and confidence necessary to compete with the best and prepare them to take their place in the healthcare community. Plans were put in motion to transform the fourth floor of WCU’s Anaheim, California campus into a dental hygiene teaching facility. The new

Nash Institute of Dental Learning
Dr. Nash began teaching in 1982, conducting his Over the Shoulder Programs in his office. After relocating in 1996, he incorporated a teaching area into his practice and, when he outgrew that space, he bought the building and reoriented the setup, using the first floor for the teaching facility and the second floor for the practice area. Once again, there was a need for expansion. The teaching programs had evolved and were receiving national attention—drawing more and more doctors who wanted to experience Dr. Nash’s pioneering approach to Esthetic Dentistry. In 1995, Dr. Nash and practice-management specialist, Debra Engelhardt-Nash, combined their expertise and transitioned the vision of the enterprise

Dr. Rozensky-Laurel Manor Dental
Laurel Manor Dental is our latest office. The building is 3,000-sq. ft. with 8 operatories. The office is located in the heart of The Villages, Florida’s friendliest hometown. The phenomenal growth of The Villages along with our desire to build a multipractice/ multidisciplinary dental group, were the driving forces behind our expansion. I set up the business plan while in the U.S. Air Force. My former Commander Randy (Skippy) Shaffer played an integral role mentoring me, and giving me the confidence to move forward and venture out into private practice. In only 4 years, we have built a multioffice group practice with over 9,000 patients. We build state-of-the-art offices.

Dr. Nevins-Boston Periodontics
In fact, you need not go any further than Dr. Nevins’ operatory windows to gain an exquisite view of one of these spots, Beacon Hill. The Hill was used as a lookout during the Revolutionary War and later became an upscale 19th-century downtown residential neighborhood that still displays its Federalist- and Victorian-style brick row houses—replete with brass door knockers, decorative iron work, quaint window boxes, and perpetually burning gas streetlights. In fact, the Bull & Finch Pub at 84 Beacon St., which immortalized its founder Charles Bullfinch, a prominent designer of many Beacon Hill houses, was the prototype for the popular TV program “Cheers.” The 2,500-sq.-ft. Boston Periodontics and

McCabe Dental...Overcoming the Odds
Gulfport, Mississippi was one of the Gulf Coast cities severely impacted by Katrina. The most forceful, east side of the storm slammed directly into the city and held it at bay for 16 hours— only to be followed by a 28-ft. storm surge that flooded Gulfport and its sister city, Biloxi. The result was stunning— unrecognizable. The city, as known, was a thing of the past. The challenges were almost immeasurable. Hundreds of communities entirely lost the ability to function. Daily activities, once considered mundane, now, upon being nonexistent—were longed for; a trip to the supermarket, a stop at the gas station or a local library—not to mention

Renewed Passion..."Moore Smiles Dentistry"
“For the past eight years, I had been a partner in a nice general practice. Yet, it wasn’t what I wanted. My situation was not really what I felt was ideal for me...I wanted something that felt like home [not a clinic]...[and] to focus on cosmetic dentistry and making patients feel better about themselves,” comments Dr. Moore. “After talking to Bobby Manuel, Equipment Sales Specialist, I realized that this was my chance to start afresh. You could say that talking to Bobby sparked the whole process. I shared my vision...and explained that I wanted a state-of-theart office that had a very comfortable and serene feeling,” she adds. Dr. Moore

Dudas Dental Group at Meadowbrook...A Passion for Dentistry
Dr. Dudas’ strategy for his new office reveals his dedication to his profession, and his drive for excellence in patient care. The desire to offer the ultimate in healthcare services motivated Dr. Dudas to build his new business with true entrepreneurial spirit. In order to achieve the outcome he had envisioned, Dr. Dudas redefined and energized his professional and business perspectives through working with a consultant and taking an office design course. The perfect premises for his new practice was achieved by renovating an old farm market, only a few miles from his previous practice address. Sullivan-Schein Field Sales Consultant, Tom Dietzer, had worked successfully with the Doctor on