Henry Schein Dental Equipment
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Digital Dentistry-Not If, But When…

Dr. Santine Anderson, Enspire Dental, Ann Arbor, MI

Decision to Purchase the E4D Dentist System

The decision to invest in a chairside CAD/CAM system requires considerable research on the technology and available systems. As a progressive practice, it is critical to exceed the expectations of the patients and provide exceptional esthetics, function, and convenience. The E4D Dentist System offers the ability to scan in the mouth on a model and from an impression without powder—and deliver same-day restorations. The advanced software uses Autogenesis® to create a proposed design of a tooth with consideration given to the opposing dentition and offers simple design tools that allow the user to manipulate the virtual tooth. Perhaps most essential and most unique is Support on Sight® (SOS). This team of experienced dental professionals, software and hardware specialists, are able to remotely access your system and assist you in every aspect of your E4D experience.

D4D Technologies and its Commitment to Education

With the purchase of the E4D Dentist System comes the commitment of D4D Technologies and its entire team, to provide you with the training, materials, and support to be successful with your CAD/CAM system. Every E4D owner and one assistant are required to participate in a two-day training course at E4D University before the system is even delivered and set up in their office. This state-of-the-art, 9,000-square foot facility includes 3 presentation rooms, a full operatory and laboratory, milling center, and Crown Cafe. All travel and accommodations are arranged and provided by D4D Technologies—the real red carpet treatment. This mandatory education philosophy of D4D Technologies gets everyone off on the right foot with the same information; learning the basics, the fundamentals, and the requirements of the E4D Dentist System.

Training Day #1

The first day of the course includes a review of the E4D System and software and hands-on training on scanning, designing, and milling multiple restorations. The trainers are a group of highly educated laboratory technicians, dentists, and other dental professionals experienced in CAD/CAM technology. Each new skill is presented and demonstrated by a trainer and followed by ample time for the doctor and assistant to utilize the tools and seek help if needed. A tour of the facility enables you to view the true vertical integration of the company. All aspects of the software, hardware, support, education, and marketing are done at the facility in Texas. Their ability to communicate with the entire team allows them to immediately create change as their customers share experiences and offer suggestions. For the dentist who has recently invested in E4D, there is a tremendous sense of reassurance when you have the opportunity to see the product being manufactured, meet the inventors of the technology, the owner of the company, and build a relationship with the educators who will support you as you integrate the system into your practice.

Informative presentations are provided on tooth-preparation design, block selection, and cementation. Printed guides are provided for quick reference and use in your office. An exceptional laboratory technician will give a lecture and hands-on demonstration on the proper staining and glazing techniques. With minimal stains and simple tools, he is able to teach both doctors and assistants to add characterization and “life” to the restoration with confidence. The day concludes with a celebration dinner with a true sense of camaraderie amongst the trainers and attendees.

Training Day #2

The second day of training is spent reviewing and utilizing the vast amount of information provided during the first day. To simulate the time restrictions of our practices, participants are asked to scan and design two restorations in 40 minutes. The ability to utilize the skills learned one day prior and complete the task in a short amount of time instills the team with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. A split session for the doctors and assistants further enhances the skills of each group and provides a comfortable environment for learning and questions. Doctors have the opportunity to learn anterior veneer and multiple restoration scanning and design. The assistants will learn mill maintenance and are given the opportunity to design several restorations. D4D Technologies spends a considerable amount of time empowering the auxiliaries and providing them with the tools to make the system successful in your office. During the split session, the trainers present the opportunity for the auxiliaries to earn their certification as a Chairside Dental Designer (CDD).

Tools to Take Home

Every E4D University attendee is sent home with a practice model and an Elements of Success manual. The manual serves as a reference guide to the skills and tools discussed during the training. Quick reference sheets are also included on tooth preparation for specific ceramics as well as guides for operating and identifying information displayed on the mill. A complete marketing kit is provided at integration to assist your office in sharing the excitement with current patients and with the public. The media package includes patient brochures, press releases, print ads, radio ads, and a variety of other materials to assist you in quickly generating interest and profitability in your current and potential patient pool.

Support on Sight (SOS) and VOIS™

SOS is a service unique to the E4D Dentist System. It is a direct customer service support system that is available to you via phone or e-mail during normal business hours. A team of individuals with backgrounds in dentistry, software, and hardware respond to your inquiries and offer the support and assistance needed to make your journey a success. They have the ability to gain remote access to your entire E4D System. They can observe and offer assistance in scanning, operate your design tools, and make corrections to your software and mill if needed. Voice Over Internet Support (VOIS) is a new feature offered by D4D Technologies that allows the use of Bluetooth® to simply speak to a Customer Support Representative through the software directly.

Installation, On-Site Training, and Integration

Within two weeks of completing your training at E4D University, the installation and one-day integration training occurs in your office with a Henry Schein CAD/CAM Specialist and a Certified Integration Technician (CIT). The CIT will visit your office prior to the training to review the layout of the office and verify that all Internet and air parameters are adequate and accessible for the E4D System. Upon your return from your training at E4D University, the system is scheduled to arrive and be installed. Then the Henry Schein CAD/CAM specialist (CCS) spends an entire day assisting with the integration of the E4D System into your office.

D4D Technologies and Henry Schein Dental are committed to extending the E4D Experience to the entire team. As the success of the system is h3ly rooted in the integration and commitment of the staff, a brief portion of the morning is spent providing a basic education to every member of the team. The front desk staff, hygienists, and assistants have the opportunity to experience the technology and capabilities of the system. The remainder of the morning is spent working with the software. The dentists and assistants are able to scan in the mouth, on models and impressions, and design and mill restorations.


D4D Technologies offer a unique opportunity to minimize the learning curve associated in implementing CAD/CAM technology. The E4D Experience guides the entire dental team through the education and integration and strives to provide the resources to ensure success. The unique design tools of E4D’s DentaLogic™ software and SOS offer the user tremendous opportunity for future growth with the system, for both the dental practice and the dental profession as a whole. When the time is right, experience the E4D Experience.